Integrity | Honesty | Experience


We Believe In Competency, Efficiency And Honesty. With Extensive Experience In The New York Real Estate Market. We Specialize In Assisting Sellers, Buyers, Relocation Clients, And Investors With All Their Real Estate Needs.



Real Estate Agency you can trust

Edge Real Estate Agency is a full-service company whose management team has over 37 years in the industry. In addition to the day-to-day sale of real estate properties in NY and FL, our ownership has extensive experience in the distressed asset space. Starting in 1990 with the RTC (Resolution Trust Corporation) our ownership has overseen the acquisition and disposition of thousands of assets for hundreds of investor clients.

Edge Real Estate Agency is a preferred broker/vendor for Hedge Funds, Insurance Funds, Asset Management Companies, Federally Chartered Banks, Credit Unions. In addition, Edge Real Estate Agency is a preferred source for real estate investors for both assets and financing. Also, Edge Real Estate Agency through our company Quickhomequote.com can offer property owners the highest and fastest cash offers for their properties.

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